Forming new habits: how to keep your New Year’s resolutions

According to a recent study from Forbes magazine, 80% of people opt to leave their New Year’s resolutions behind come February. There are many reasons for this – sometimes, the goals we set for ourselves are too large and impractical, meaning they are hard to put into action. Sometimes life gets in the way of our goals, as we fall into old behaviours or get busy at work. 

However, there’s no denying that resolutions can be useful, helping you navigate your way toward success in both your personal and professional life. For example, they can come in handy if you are starting your own business or looking into recruitment opportunities and want to stand out from the crowd. One way in which you can remedy this is by opting to form new, achievable habits. This way, you are still giving yourself something to work towards without feeling overwhelmed. 

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The simpler the habits, the easier they will be to introduce to your daily life. For example, they could include: 

  • Keeping your first promise of the day
  • Dressing for success
  • Practising gratitude 
  • Making more time for yourself
  • Stepping out of your comfort zone 
  • Being open to new challenges and experiences 

As always, when developing new habits, the key to success is consistency. This way, they’ll start to feel less like a chore and more like something you will do without question. This means that you’ll soon notice the many benefits these habits and changes bring forth, such as increased confidence and improved mental wellbeing.

Zest4Talent is a specialist sales and marketing recruitment agency providing bespoke recruitment solutions across all business sectors.
